Necromancer is a complicated class to provide a guide for due to his 4 upgrades. Each upgrade is very unique, offers a new playing experience and requires a different strategy.
The guide will therefore be separated in parts:
In part 1, that starts below, I will explain the basic mechanics and show the best synergies with Necromancer’s ability and cards. Note that although this part contains advice that should apply to most Necromancer builds, specific upgrades might differ in approach. Always read part 1 together with the appropriate upgrade you want to use.

Undead Army Fighter
Deal 4 damage.
Gain 3 Shield.
Gain 3 Shield.
Definitely too many.
REMOVE some.

Remove a cards from your exile pile.
Apply 1 Weak to all enemies.
Apply 1 Weak to all enemies.

Undead Army Fighter
Deal 4 damage.
Gain 3 Shield.
Gain 3 Shield.
Definitely too many.
REMOVE some.
The beauty of this card is that it’s one card that does everything- damage, shield, increase Necromancy. These cards are not great – the damage and shield quickly become too weak, but they will be useful until the very end, on the last stage of high inferno due to the exile AND duplicate part.
Most cards that exile are one time use (one time per combat, not per game) – you play them and they go to the exile pile and can (almost) never be played again. This way you would have very limited options of increasing Necromancy. But Undead army fighter exiles AND goes to your discard pile. So you can play him over and over increasing Necromancy endlessly.
Worth mentioning is that you definitely don’t need 6 copies of this card, so you will have to remove some.

Remove a cards from your exile pile.
Apply 1 Weak to all enemies.
Apply 1 Weak to all enemies.
This card is a great synergy with Necromancer’s ability – you don’t have to rely on cards with a keyword Remove that you find (or not) during the run. You have all you need in your base deck – cards that exile and cards that remove.
It’s your main tool – it will be used over and over, most of the turns, more times per turn if possible. This is how you can easily trigger your ‘remove’ ability and deal lots of damage to all enemies.
This is also a good defensive card as it applies weak to ALL enemies. It’s only weak 1 so it’s necessary to play it on every turn the enemy attacks, unless you can block the incoming attack without it.
The beauty of this card is that it’s one card that does everything- damage, shield, increase Necromancy. These cards are not great – the damage and shield quickly become too weak, but they will be useful until the very end, on the last stage of high inferno due to the exile AND duplicate part.
Most cards that exile are one time use (one time per combat, not per game) – you play them and they go to the exile pile and can (almost) never be played again. This way you would have very limited options of increasing Necromancy. But Undead army fighter exiles AND goes to your discard pile. So you can play him over and over increasing Necromancy endlessly.
Worth mentioning is that you definitely don’t need 6 copies of this card, so you will have to remove some.
This card is a great synergy with Necromancer’s ability – you don’t have to rely on cards with a keyword Remove that you find (or not) during the run. You have all you need in your base deck – cards that exile and cards that remove.
It’s your main tool – it will be used over and over, most of the turns, more times per turn if possible. This is how you can easily trigger your ‘remove’ ability and deal lots of damage to all enemies.
This is also a good defensive card as it applies weak to ALL enemies. It’s only weak 1 so it’s necessary to play it on every turn the enemy attacks, unless you can block the incoming attack without it.
Base mechanics
Necro’s main way of dealing damage equal to Necromancy points is using the 2nd part of his ability – damage to ALL enemies whenever he removes a card.
It can be achieved in 2 ways:
Playing cards with a Keyword “Remove”

Playing Banshee

Option number 2 is used far more often, as it is always there, doesn’t depend on your luck with getting cards or skills. It’s a mechanic written into your class – your base deck and your ability.
It’s a very simple but very efficient mechanic – you play undead army fighter (increasing
Necromancy, so future damage), it goes to your exile pile AND to your discard pile, then you play Banshee which removes a fighter from your exile pile triggering the ‘remove’ ability. Two actions to deal lots of damage, gain some shield and apply weak to all.
Of course as you progress you will add other cards to your deck which will change the order of played cards, but the basic synergy undead + banshee will always be there. Note that triggering remove ability is not impacted by strength nor by weakened, so you don’t need to boost strength and shouldn’t be bothered by weakened.
Exile cards increase your Necromancy and using Necromancy points is your main source of damage. The best way to increase Necromancy are cards that exile and give mana, so this way you use the card’s main effect AND increase Necromancy.
Exile pile
You build quite a big exile pile without even trying, simply by playing your base cards – undead army fighter. It will be reduced by playing banshees, but overall Necromancer has the best potential to build a big exile pile and there are couple of cards that synergize with exile pile – Sentinel or Artillery.
Cards that have a keyword remove are almost (almost! don’t ever take Witch…) always welcome in your deck. There isn’t a lot of them, but almost (!) all of them are useful for Necromancer. The sad part is that these cards are most useful at the beginning of combat when your Necromancy isn’t high yet, but you can wait with some to use them to maximum effect. Agood example is Druid of the High Elves – his healing unicorn can be played late in combat triggering remove when your Necromancy is high. It can easily be the very card that will kill your opponents. All of them, if you’re lucky.
Free mana
Every exile card played increases your Necromancy points, so the more cards you can play the more damage you deal by triggering Remove. You want moon fairies, sigil cards, high priests, old jesters etc for the sheer fact that they are played for free. If they do something useful next to it, even better. But even if you don’t need their base effect that much, you still will appreciate the increased Necromancy and the exile, as these cards usually do exile.
Couple of particular cards
Fairy Princess [FAIRY]
Adds a Magic Peas into your discard pile for each Magic card in your hand.
One of the best cards you can get.
Effect is dependent on amount of Magic cards in hand. Easy to maximize it.
Adds cards that are free to play
Added cards remove
Added cards Heal
It’s bronze – you can get it even after 1st fight!
Artillery Unit [ROBOT]
Deal 4 damage to ALL enemies for each card in the exile pile
Their effects trigger based on number of cards in exile pile which makes them a great synergy with Necromancer’s ability.
Artillery – offensive card, deals damage based on the amount of cards in the exile pile (for this card, a strength boost is a thing, Druid of the High Elves works perfectly.
Sentinel – adds cards to your deck that are free to play (give 1 mana) and build Necromancy.
Both should be played rather late, artillery is perfect to finish off enemies. Sentinel should be played according to needs.
Sentinel [ROBOT]
Add a Robo Hound into your discard pile for each card in your exile pile.
There are of course couple of other cards that you want to add to your deck no matter what happens (elder fairy, snow queen. moon fairy), but they are pretty obvious: they are the kind of card that most decks usually want and I can-not possibly name all useful cards.
I can give you a short list of some you should definitely avoid, though

Dark Lotus Witch
It’s one of the worst cards in the game in general and the fact that Necromancer, who loves remove (and Lotus Witch gives 4 of them!) doesn’t want her is the best proof of it. She’s a waaaaay worse version of Druid of High Elves – she also evokes 4 remove card and exiles herself, the problem is, the cards she evokes are utterly useless. USELESS. Don’t try to find a use, there’s none. The only effect is remove, but for that you have banshees and you don’t need more. Witch will only make your take inconsistent
NEVER ever take this card. EVER.

Necro loves exiles and Timeshifter gives you more exile cards. Good? NO!
Using timeshifter will flood you with Undead Army fighters and you won’t be able to find banshees or any other cards among them. And Skeletons are useful, sure, but 2 in your deck are enough. You will probably have more anyway, adding even more is counter-productive.
So no. No, no, no. NO
Alright, Witch and Timeshifter are the most possible mistakes you might take. All other cards with remove are not that bad and can actually even be useful in some cases. They do SOMETHING.
Mage Thief – annoying, but he removes and gives gold so maaaaybe.
Prince of Blood – only in demon decks and demon decks only with Blood upgrade. Otherwise no.
Ultron – Battery removes, but it’s only one additional remove. Banshee does it’s job. Take Ultron only if you’re low on HP, have low defence in general so you will probably be low on HP often.
Skills that give bonuses every time you exile a card are a good synergy, because you exile many cards during fight – more than any other class. These skills are custom made for Necro. The kind of bonus that the skill gives on exiled card is important, good rule to decide which ones are worth it is defence over offence.
Shield of Shadows

Every time you
exile a card
gain 3 Shield
exile a card
gain 3 Shield
Very good defensive skill. Free shield is always appreciated. Perfect to match it with armored. Good synergies with Ice King Sword and Fairy spawns.
Dark Matter

Every time you
exile a card
deal 3 dmg
to ALL enemmies
exile a card
deal 3 dmg
to ALL enemmies
Good on early infernos, but the flat damage stops making any difference on higher levels. Also more expensive than Shield of Shadows. Overall, not worth it.
Increased Mana
Any skill that gives some additional mana is worth considering as it not only allows you to play an additional card per turn, which is a bonus for every class, but doing so allows you to build Necromancy quicker.
Best for this purpose are Skills increasing max mana, as they give the effect every time, leading to many more cards exiled during the fight.
Good synergy with Shield of shadows – the more cards played, the more mana gained.
Demon Eye

Gain 1
Max Mana.
You are
permanently Blind.
Max Mana.
You are
permanently Blind.
Both skills increase max mana which is a great bonus for most runs. More cards played (therefore more cards exiled) every turn builds Necromancy and exile pile.
Great synergy with shield of shadows (more cards played per turn, more shield gained per turn)

Gain 1
Max Mana.
Permanently half
your Max HP.
Max Mana.
Permanently half
your Max HP.
Amount of cards in deck
Since Necromancer’s base cards exile and duplicate, his deck is getting bigger and bigger during combat. Therefore, any reference to ‘for each x cards in your deck’ something positive happens is a good synergy. Its worth depends on the effect, of course.
So far it’s the only card that synergizes with big decks. It’s effect can be pretty strong for Necro, but it must be considered if healing will be needed at all. In defence-heavy decks where you barely ever take any damage it won’t be useful. Besides, its cost is discouraging.

an enemy dies,
Heal 1 HP for
every 5 cards in
your deck.
an enemy dies,
Heal 1 HP for
every 5 cards in
your deck.
Ice King Sword
You want to exile cards both to build Necromancy and possibly to build exile pile. Penguins are perfect for it.
WARNING: remember they work well in rather big decks. In small decks you’ll lose them all rather quickly.
Again great synergies with other Necro favorites – shield of shadows, sentinel and/or artillery

Start each
combat with a
Penguin in hand.
combat with a
Penguin in hand.
Same as with cards, I will not name all useful skills, I just mentioned those that have a strong synergy with Necromancer’s ability. Things like Demon eye, Frost Nova or Freezing Shot don’t really need recommendation.
Strength is nearly useless in most Necromancer builds, as you mostly use remove ability to deal damage, and it’s not affected by strength, you shouldn’t really bother with getting it.
Resistance might be needed. Depending on your approach towards defence – if it’s built on Shield and Armored rather than immunes you will need it.
Armored is always good for builds that don’t choose for relying on immune, but it’s even better for classes that in base deck have cards that simultaneously deal damage and gain shield. These are cards you play on every turn, even when the enemy doesn’t attack. You build your Shield on these turns and it says with you for turns wen it’s needed.
Additionally, for Necromancer it synergizes very well with Shield of Shadows, which Necromancer will willingly take.
Playing on races, any, usually means having cards in your deck that do not exile. And you don’t want that. The last thing you want to do as Necromancer is filling your deck with cards that don’t exile. They don’t work with your ability and you want Necromancy to go high. Quickly. So general rule – No races.
Exception number 1 – Fairies. They have Red Bloom and Blue Bloom and many good non-scaling exile/remove cards (Moon Fairy, Elder Fairy, Fairy Princess) so it’s quite easy to build them. IMO, it’s not needed and it’s an unnecessary risk. To make it really worth it you need many of them, and then your deck loses consistency. It’s more efficient to simply take Fairy princess(es) to your deck. 2 or 3 of them makes you kill enemies fast and doesn’t fill your deck with too many cards
Exception number 2 – Blood upgrade goes well with Demons. More on it under Blood guide.
Start each combat with 10 Necromancy points.
Every time you exile a card gain 2 Shield.

The first badge you unlock and it immediately gives you a pretty nice boost.
Now, every time you play Undead Army Fighter you add 2 cards to your exile pile – the Fighter himself and a Piranha. This makes you grow the exile pile pretty quickly and therefore making Necromancy and Piranha stronger quickly.
This badge is great with Artillery or Sentinel as it grows the Exile pile even quicker than regular Necromancer play.
What’s really sweet is – Piranha damage is affected by both Strength and Double damage!
Sadly, also by Weakness. It’s only fair, though.
The bonus is a great help exactly when you get it. Once you unlock Badge 2 you will probably prefer to use that instead.
The 2nd and hands down best bonus for Necromancer.
Although Piranha can deal more damage, scale better and in long run would be stronger, the main point is they will not carry you through w1 on high inferno, 10 Necromancy points at the beginning will. It allows much quicker kill of early enemies in w1, the ones that are the most challenging as you have to deal with them with your base deck only. With this bonus you can kill 1 of the Forest sprites in t2, so before it attacks.
The 3rd bonus is actually very nice, it’s Shield of Shadow’s little brother. These two go well together.
Around the time you get it it might be nice to play it, but sadly on higher difficulty it’s the 2nd bonus that will prove more useful. Killing early enemies quickly is crucial, additional shield with 3rd bonus will not shield as much damage as killing one of the forest Sprites before it attacks.
Good bonus to play together with Fairy Spawns. As long as you can survive long enough to build Fairy spawns deck.

The first badge you unlock and it immediately gives you a pretty nice boost.
Now, every time you play Undead Army Fighter you add 2 cards to your exile pile – the Fighter himself and a Piranha. This makes you grow the exile pile pretty quickly and therefore making Necromancy and Piranha stronger quickly.
This badge is great with Artillery or Sentinel as it grows the Exile pile even quicker than regular Necromancer play.
What’s really sweet is – Piranha damage is affected by both Strength and Double damage!
Sadly, also by Weakness. It’s only fair, though.
The bonus is a great help exactly when you get it. Once you unlock Badge 2 you will probably prefer to use that instead.
Start each combat with 10 Necromancy points.

The 2nd and hands down best bonus for Necromancer.
Although Piranha can deal more damage, scale better and in long run would be stronger, the main point is they will not carry you through w1 on high inferno, 10 Necromancy points at the beginning will. It allows much quicker kill of early enemies in w1, the ones that are the most challenging as you have to deal with them with your base deck only. With this bonus you can kill 1of the Forest sprites in t2, so before it attacks.
Every time you exile a card gain 2 Shield.

The 3rd bonus is actually very nice, it’s Shield of Shadow’s little brother. These two go well together.
Around the time you get it it might be nice to play it, but sadly on higher difficulty it’s the 2nd bonus that will prove more useful. Killing early enemies quickly is crucial, additional shield with 3rd bonus will not shield as much damage as killing one of the forest Sprites before it attacks.
Good bonus to play together with Fairy Spawns. As long as you can survive long enough to build Fairy spawns deck.
Having all of the above covered let’s finally move on to the most fun thing – upgrades!
Just a short note about their strength in general.
Flesh is the most efficient and easiest to play but other bonuses are still strong and worth playing. They are very different and playing each one is fun.
Just FYI
Highest inferno reached
Flesh: 23
Bones: 21
Pain: 21
Blood: ?

Replace your starting cards with Mace Skeleton and Abominium.

Undead Army Fighter
Deal 4 damage.
Gain 3 Shield.
Gain 3 Shield.

Deal 6 damage.
Gain 4 Shield.
If you remove this card from game, Heal 2.

Undead Army Fighter
Deal 4 damage.
Gain 3 Shield.
Gain 3 Shield.

Deal 6 damage.
Gain 4 Shield.
If you remove this card from game, Heal 2.
Mace Skeleton
it does the same as its previous version, but better. It’s more damage and more shield and ofc it still duplicates and exiles.
The real change is the last sentence – You can heal whenever you remove this card from exile pile (which you do using Abominium, former banshee). This is a huge buff increasing your defence and opening up some new synergies.

Remove a cards from your exile pile.
Apply 1 Weak to all enemies.
Apply 1 Weak to all enemies.

Remove a cards from your exile pile.
Apply 3 Weak to all enemies.
Apply 3 Poison to ALL enemies

Remove a cards from your exile pile.
Apply 1 Weak to all enemies.
Apply 1 Weak to all enemies.

Remove a cards from your exile pile.
Apply 3 Weak to all enemies.
Apply 3 Poison to ALL enemies
This is a real game changer. Main effect – remove card from exile pile, which triggers dmg to all, is unchanged. But Abominium applies 3! weak to all enemies and additionally 3 poison.
3 weak allows you to apply weak on t1 and on t2 focus on playing cards giving shield only. You gain 1 more action to play shield.
3 poison to ALL enemies won’t be main source of damage, but it will help and speed up. It also opens some new possible synergies.
Both weak an poison allow new synergies.
(Others than base Necro)
Banshees will ensure the enemies are weakened all the time so you don’t need to take any additional source applying Weak. But there are some cards or skills interacting with it, and this might be interesting and fun build.
Darkness Boots
Good, useful skill. You will have weak so it’s some additional shield for free. Great for 3 enemies, worse for singulars. If you rely on shield rather than immune, if you have Armored. Boots are a good fit.
Dark Magic
Another useful defensive skill. Will make it much easier to shield or, in case you don’t manage to shield all, it’ll be easier to recover lost HP with Healing from Banshee.
Dark Grasp
Since it doesn’t work on class abilities, so not on Necromancer’s damage on cards remove, it’s definitely not worth taking. Really not. Not even with Dark Magic. Not a good effect for far too high price.
Weak Vortex
As mentioned many times, your main source of damage is Remove ability. Dealing damage equal to Weak will not be as efficient. In combination with Necromancer acolyte it might be a fun build for low inferno.
Necromancer Acolyte
See Weak Vortex above. It’s a card and it applies debuff so it’s weaker than Vortex. It doesn’t exile. Makes sense ONLY in combination with Vortex, and even then it’s just a fun build.
Same as with poison, you will quite often use Heal through Banshees. If any more is needed depends on your deck, difficulty you play on and other circumstances. Having access to regular healing opens up some options that are not so obvious for other Necromancer’s builds.
Dark Sigil
This skill is broken by design and in classes like Flesh necro it’s broken beyond imagination. You can play Banshee for no action (as long as you have Skeletons in exile pile). It’s reeeeally easy to abuse. Great, wonderful, awesome.
Sun Blessed Mace
Necromancer’s max HP is 60 and you rather don’t have good ways of increasing it. additional 6 damage when you remove Mace Skeleton might seem tempting, but in reality it’s not really worth it. Might help on lower inferno levels, useless on higher ones.
Amulet of Healing
It’s only 1 additional HP healed per Skeleton removed. Most probably won’t be needed, but if you’re struggling to survive this additional healing might be exactly what you need. It’s expensive, so take it only when you really need it and if there’s no better option.
You’ll apply poison regularly by using Banshees. It stacks quite nicely so adding more ways to apply it makes some sense. Mind that poison is just an additional bonus though, not your general source of damage.
It’s better to take poison skills over cards as they don’t brick your hand nor use actions. But there’s no need to prioritize it. Defensive skills are usually a better choice.
Master of Toxins
This is the only poison-elated Skill that’s worth mentioning. and its GOLD. Let me remind you what Abominium does – applies POISON AND WEAK. For 3 turns. There’s basically no way to ever lose the buffs.
Medusa is a good take always. Daze even of a singular enemy is priceless. But here with Flesh upgrade you easily quest her and make Daze ALL.

What changed?
On Remove now you not only deal damage, but also get 2 Resistance and 1 Armored. If you play it well, you can have Armored all the time. Bones Necro wants to play on Shield, lots of shield.
Worth noticing:
Unlike in general Necromancers build in Bones you might need to remove cards as early in your turn as possible. You deal fewer damage, but you gain resistance so you can defend more easily.
Although bonus 3 seems to be perfect for it, on high inferno you will still need bonus 2 to survive early fights. But as long as it’s possible to survive with bonus 3, it is a very good fit indeed.
Shield &
The upgrade is all about it so make the best use of it. Keep your Shield high, keep it with Armored, don’t let enemies ever hit you.
Basically any Shield skill is good – Ghost Shield, Solid Shell, SHIELD OF SHADOWS etc etc.
As of cards, remember you want exile cards, so the decision isn’t so easy. Ambassadress pf Peace and Cthool Acolyte both exile and give quite decent Shield. Blue Blooms are good if you decide to go for Fairies. Iron Colossus if you have any robots.
In general, with Resistance, Weak (from banshees), Undead Fighters, skills and occasional Immune you shouldn’t really need other cards.
Guardian of the Demons and Black Knight both work in a similar way and might seem to be a good fit for Bones but… they’re not worth it. Neither of them exiles and Guardian removes armored on top of that. You deal enough damage with Banshees and other remove cards you add to deck and don’t need additional pure damage card. Focus on defence, if you can survive you can kill anything.
What changed:
Pain is a really interesting upgrade and it’s very satisfying to play if you manage to set it up properly. The problem is, the setup isn’t easy and takes some time.
The main problem is, that unlike all 3 other upgrades, this one doesn’t give you an immediate buff in every fight. By itself, it’s useful only against enemies that apply debuffs and if you wanted to rely only on this, it’d be slow and not worth it. Luckily the game offers ways to applies debuffs on yourself. To make Pain work well, you need to get them.
Surprise! Debuffs are good! You looove debuufs, you want them so much you actively look for ways to apply them on yourself. Your favorite one, the one you want to get the most is Wound.
Currently there are many skills applying debuffs or having effects based on amount of debuffs on you. You should NOT take any skill related to debuffs. choose smartly.
This is the core of your deck. There are other cards applying debuffs, but Dino is clearly the best one.
It deals reasonable damage
It applies a debuff
The debuff applied is Wound
In a perfect deck where you have additional sources of Mana and a sort deck you should need exactly 1 copy of this card. Together with skills and enemies applying debuffs You will have wound often enough to keep yourself at Max HP with killing. You ofc need a good defence for this, but you can suffer some hp loss because you can quite easily recover it.
You want to start every turn with dino to apply wound, but other cards you play during your turn should rather be skeletons or other exile cards to build necromancy. You will still use Banshees often to weaken enemies, so it’s worth to make them deal damage too. Skeletons will help you shield too. So 1 Dino per turn is usually enough.
Since Pain gives a lot of Strength, the best way to use it is using cards that hit multiple times, therefore benefit from it more. There are couple of options, but only one really good, as it’s the only one exiling.
Masked Swordsman
Deal 2 damage to target enemy X times. X is the number of copies of this card in game.
This card isn’t necessary at all. You can win without it, no worries. But, it is fun, and it is good. It duplicates and exiles just like Undead Fighters, but deals much more damage.
Unlike Dino, if you decide to go with Swordsman, you want to have more copies in deck, so their base effect is already stronger. Never forget about good balance between offence and defence though. Consistency comes first.
If you go with swordsman, you will need good defensive options. Either through skills or cards but you do have to get it.
Side note: Swordsman could be good in other Necromancer’s upgrades too, but since they don’t use Strength much its potential is much better in Pain.

After taking unblocked damage from any source, you gain 3 Necromancy points.
What changed?
Additionally to regular way of increasing necromancy – by exiling cards – we have a new one – by losing HP. Works on HP loss no matter of source, it can be due to enemy attack or a card played.
3 Necromancy points every time you lose HP makes for a quick increase of Necromancy so here Remove ability will be your main source of damage even more than in other builds.
It’s been said to not use Races in necromancer, right? Forget it. Blood Necro loves Demons. Obvious reason – many, many Demons (too bad not all) make you lose HP. You can gain the base effect they give and increase Necromancy in the same time.
What’s wrong with demons? There’s not a single one that exiles. By playing them you will earn more Necromancy points than by using Skeletons, but only on these that do make you lose HP. Perfect are Demon Guards and Demon Bride (together with Pawns ofc). Demon Guards will provide good defence, but you need also some healing, or Demons will bleed you out.
Shadow Assassin
Target enemy’s HP is halved.
Lose 3 HP.
It’s a Remove card with a good effect so it’s actually good for every Necromancer’s build, but worth mentioning here due to its HP loss. By playing this card you both trigger the ability AND increase Necromancy for future triggers.

Whenever you lose
HP from a card,
gain 1 Strength
HP from a card,
gain 1 Strength
You already want to lose HP and look for ways to do it as often as possible. He’s an additional bonus you gain when you do it. Devil’s deal is perfect in every Demon deck, Blood Demon Necro with Devil’s Deal is the best there can be. For even better effect you can also add Dark Sigil (look below

All your Magic
cards will cost
2 HP instead of
1 Mana (you
still cannot play
cards if your
Mana is empty.
cards will cost
2 HP instead of
1 Mana (you
still cannot play
cards if your
Mana is empty.
You want to lose HP and this skill gives you another way to do it. Now you will lose HP for example for playing Bashees. Synergizes amazingly with Blood itself, with demons and demon’s deal. As always, Make sure you have enough Healing. Vampire Lord or Magic Leaf with all the Strength you gain will do the job.
All guides and advice are purely subjective opinion of Sapphire and should not be considered as coming from Game Developers