Moon Fairy [FAIRY]
Put a card from your draw pile into your hand. Gain 1 Mana. Exile. Magic Uncommon Unlocked at: level 1
Fairy Queen [FAIRY]
Gain 1 Strength until the end of this turn. Gain 1 Resistance until the end of this turn. Quest: Play 30 [FAIRY] cards to Upgrade. Gain 2 Strength and 2 Resistance. Exile. Magic Uncommon Unlocked [...]
Snake Emperor [BEASTMAN]
Deal 9 damage. If the target has Poison it takes double damage. Combat Uncommon Unlock at: level 1
Ant Wizard [BEASTMAN]
Gain 3 Shield for each [BEASTMAN] card in game. Gain Overcharged until the end of this turn. Magic Uncommon Unlock at: level 1
Cthool Acolyte
Exile a random card in your hand. Gain 20 Shield. Exile. Combat Uncommon Unlock at: level 1
Lady of the Knight
Gain 1 Mana for each Combat card in your hand. Gain Overcharged until the end of this turn. Magic Uncommon Unlocked at: Level 1
Forgotten Priestess
Remove all non-permanent debuffs from yourself. Apply 2 Weak to ALL enemies. Magic Common Unlocked at: Level 1
High Priest
Put a card from your discard pile into your hand. Gain 1 Mana. Exile. Magic Uncommon Unlocked at: Level 1