Druid of the High Elves
Discard your hand and evoke 4 Nature Beasts. Exile. Magic Rare Unlocked at: Level 25 Dragoniax Gain 2 Strength. Remove. Magic Dragonius Gain 2 Resistance. Remove. Magic Unicorn Heal 4. Remove. Magic Pegaso Gain Immune. [...]
Priest Healer
Deal 3 damage. If this attack kills the enemy Heal 7. Exile. Combat Common Unlocked at: level 19
Blessed Fairy [Fairy][ANGEL]
Add an Oracle of Guardians into your discard pile for each [FAIRY] card in game. Exile. Magic Rare Unlocked at: Level 18 Oracle of Guardians Deal 1 damage for each [ANGEL] card in game. Gain [...]
Nephil [ANGEL]
Deal 16 damage to ALL enemies. If your HP is below 50% Heal 6, otherwise lose 6 HP. Combat Rare Unlock at: level 17
Magic Leaf
Transform this card into Carnivorous Plant. Gain 1 Mana. Magic Uncommon Unlocked at: Level 14 Swamp Plant Apply 3 Weak. Gain 4 Thorns until your next turn. Become a Magic Leaf again. Magic Snake Plant [...]
Seeker of the Light
Remove all non-permanent debuffs from yourself and Heal 2 for each debuff removed. If no debuffs were removed Heal 2. This card is not affected by Silence. Magic Uncommon Unlocked at: Level 9
Angel Fighter [ANGEL]
Deal 4 damage for each Combat card in your hand. Heal 2. Combat Uncommon Unlock at: level 6
Blue Bloom [FAIRY]
Add a Blue Bug into your discard pile for each [FAIRY] card in game. Exile. Magic Uncommon Unlocked at: Level 3 Blue Bug If your HP is below 50% Heal 3, otherwise gain 3 Shield. [...]
Angel Priestess [ANGEL]
Heal 2 for each [ANGEL] card in game. Exile. Magic Common Unlocked at: Level 3